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Werkstudent Personal Stellendetails | 2019

Arvato Systems
Gütersloh, Germany

The Bertelsmann Exchange Initiative offers the opportunity to get to know another Bertelsmann company for a maximum period of twelve weeks. It is open to all Bertelsmann employees worldwide. The objectives are knowledge transfer as well as the promotion of collaboration and personal dialog between the individual divisions/business units. (Find more information and colleagues relating their experiences on

This project posting belongs to the Bertelsmann Exchange Initiative; thus, the respective conditions apply.

You need the explicit approval of your supervisor to take part in the Bertelsmann Exchange Initiative as you will be leaving your job and therefore your workplace for a certain period. Additionally, the exchange must have a relevance for the business.


Therefore,  please submit your application including the attached form indicating your motivation and the business relevance.




Deine Aufgaben:

- Verwaltung

- Dieses

- und Jenes

- von Jedem ein bisschen


Dein Profil:

- Immer lächeln

- freundlich sein

- und noch viel mehr








Unternehmen: Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA - IT Services Corporate 

Land: Deutschland

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Stadt: Gütersloh

Postleitzahl: 33332

Job ID: 35864